Sunday, December 9, 2007

since I'm so ridiculously unhappy I should blog about something FUN!


transporting the donations...and that's only less than half of what we transported

the heap of clothing that we were sorting....and A LOT MORE.

my favourite bear and the tulip flower balloons!!

ling ling's favourite bear!!POOH!!

we were sorting the toys, and in the end we did this. masa masa(sp?) deprived childhood. actually I did this haha!! everyone else was just starring at me. haha etiqutte class helps:D

hehe mala's drawing(:


unglam pic of Davina:P

hahaha there are many more unglam pictures of hehe everyone else... Jeann and I were tormeting everyone with our cameras!!!!!! but I shan't be mean. :D
now I realise that we sure had a lot of fun crapping and working together haha!
and now I'm just waiting for all the CAMBODIA PICTURES!!!!I NEED cheer myself up by bringing back fun filled memories.

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