Monday, December 31, 2007
the last day of the year. I think this year I definitely achieved at least 2 things on my 2007 resolution list. which is VERY GOOD because normally I never achieve anything. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
and this year has been full of unexpected twist and turns. especially at the beginning of this year I never imagine myself attending a new church and making a whole lot of new friends. I think attending a new church was definitely NOT what I expected at all this year.
And tmr would be 2008!!!!!! a year older. more pain, sorrow, happiness and anxiety. HAHA. Next year is going to be the most hectic year EVER. but I'm pretty excited too, to what 2008 will bring and suprise me. This year I've had a whole lot of suprises. and I'm sure next year there's gonna be EVEN MORE.
so right now I've got to strap myself tight to the chair and let the whirlwind of 2008 BEGIN!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
but met like loads of people today. was like WOW...this is the first I go out and meet so many people I know. put it this way, coincidences. very scary. HAHAHA.
and I heard the worse news ever. Just like 4 mins ago. I really don't have face to meet people anymore.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
ok I'm like stressed. STRESSED. when is not even my problem. I know I'm avoiding it, I know its wrong but I just can't help it. SOMEONE help me. I'm so confused.
TOWING!!!! if you read this I NEED YOU!!!!!!PLEASE??! haha that sounds so wrong, but seriously when you read this get to me ASAP.....please? thank you! why do you have to be at EU at the most crucial times?!hahahahaha nah I'm not blaming you!just get back to me asap!! thanks(:
Friday, December 21, 2007
sarah and I met up earlier. actually I was the latest!! muahahahaah!!! so unexpected. haha.
anyway dinner was ok. we ate at lemongrass at the heeren. went to HMV I was like so tempted to buy so many CDs!!!! here's the list if you know you owe me a present:D just joking but seriously:
COBRA STARSHIP's new self-titled one.
PARAMORE!!! riot!!all we know is falling!!!
and I can't remember there was too many:D hahaha!
ok moving on abt what happened after dinner. cassandra got damn high on chocolates after dinner. along the way on orchard we bought santa hats each. so we were all, 6 of us, walking down orchard road with santa hats!!!!! omg I think everyone thought we were phsycho.
oh yes one good point today I bought the rest of the christmas presents!! YAY! now I need to go wrap them up. crap. hahaha.
had a very eventful time during the last 24hours. I have no idea how to explain it. Anyway going out later for Christmas Dinner with "clique". I need to go prepare all the cards and candy. but I'm too lazy to get my ass off the chair to do so. meeting chang earlier so that I can get more christmas presents for people...and as usual she's gonna make me wait. so I shall be equally late:D
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I think throughout the entire camp we have all experienced God's abundant love for all of us, and his work within us. for the whole of the camp everyone was pretty much in a reflective mood as we asked God to continue to work in us, guide us and help us. I think I definitely felt God's presence somewhere along the 3 days. bottomline? I think LTC was an extremely enriching experience.
now on to other things about LTC...3 days?gossip central. scandalous. I was like WHOA. too hot to handle. hahahaha... but I made a lot of new friends along the way and made some friendships grew closer.which was great! many inside jokes formed. silky face? hahahaha!! okay inside joke sorry.
anyway now that I've made new friends, I need to make more Christmas cards!!!and probably find presents...darn it. hahaha!
ok I better go start on them.
Thursday, December 13, 2007


my group JOYFUL!!! somehow I always end up with groups/classes/whatever with the word JOY!



Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I'm really heavily addicted to these 3 songs. haha! and I have finished all my christmas cards!say YAY!!
hahahaha! anyway, going back to SPC tmr to help out...wheeee....get to see them again!!! after 3 months. hahaha!
well at least it'll helps with the distraction plan:D
Monday, December 10, 2007
wrapped everyone's present yesterday night...they look awful. What was I thinking?! oh crap.
well did more cards today, which is good. I think I should be able to finish all my cards by the end of the week.
Christmas Cards Progress
9 cards done
21 cards left...I think.
wheeee!! Can't wait for CHRISTMAS!!!((:
Just Kill Me Now, Really. Sometimes things just NEVER go your way...and dreams can be the total opposite of reality.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
transporting the donations...and that's only less than half of what we transported
the heap of clothing that we were sorting....and A LOT MORE.
ling ling's favourite bear!!POOH!!
we were sorting the toys, and in the end we did this. masa masa(sp?) deprived childhood. actually I did this haha!! everyone else was just starring at me. haha etiqutte class helps:D
hehe mala's drawing(:
unglam pic of Davina:P
hahaha there are many more unglam pictures of hehe everyone else... Jeann and I were tormeting everyone with our cameras!!!!!! but I shan't be mean. :D
now I realise that we sure had a lot of fun crapping and working together haha!
and now I'm just waiting for all the CAMBODIA PICTURES!!!!I NEED cheer myself up by bringing back fun filled memories.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
hahahahahaha!!! my daddy is the best. He bought me the super cute LADYBUG chocolates!!!!! I haven't had them since since since....I was very young...ya! well I'm going to give them away on christmas too!!! so people watch out for LADYBUGS!!!! hahahahaha!!
christmas card progress
6 cards done
abt 24 more to go!!!!
with the power of DETERMINATION I will FINISH my christmas cards by the end of next week!!!!!
yes yes MUST FINISH!!!
Friday, December 7, 2007
hehe...tag replies
delane!!! haha yeah I was not in the right state of mind haha anyway, relink-ed:D
nicole!! haha yeah drove me nuts hahaahahahahaha((:
okay going to continue making my close to 30 Christmas cards!!!or I'll never get them done.
okay firstly please pardon me I just had chocolate moose cake and cappucino, and the sugar and caffaine needs to go somewhere!!
OKAY let me reply some tags first...
LIZZ!!! hahahahahahaha you know me TOO WELL. and of course that person is not in school!!! its a GIRLS school so ya DUH. and I WANNA GO TO LONDON!!!!someone BRING ME THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!hehe...
TOWING TRUCK!!! hey hey!! you tagged!!WOW! haha anyway SORRY:) but don't worry now, now that you got my number its 24/7 free of charge towing service:D and yeah THANK YOU for cheering me up that day!!
NICOLE!!! yeah had fun today!!!! just too much sugar and the way thanks for putting up with my indecisive christmas shopping!!haha!!(((:
went out with nic and chang today!!YAY!!! the 3 of us again.haha! i was the EARLIEST for ONCE:D normally its nic...but as usual chang was late..which was so predictable.... well got christmas presents for people today!!! so I'm a happy girl:D
haha...well but now i think I'm in debt or something.haha.
oh well I SHOPPED I'm HAPPY!! hahahahahaha(:
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Jean!! haha CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!(((:
okay I need to get AMY WINEHOUSE's BACK TO BLACK!!! can someone be nice and get it for me for Christmas please?! hahahahahahaha!!! All the new music recently are so boring...or is it just me?!
see?I'm so bored till I don't even know what to say and if I go on any longer I'm going to start spouting rubbish. hahahahaha:D
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
oh well everything I give this year has to be budget this year, I'm so sorry.
moving on. I can't believe Christmas is just coming so soon!!! And I'm still deciding on what I'm gonna do on Christmas eve now that I have no commitments at the old church. either
1. I go back to my old church for Christmas.
2. Stay home and entertain the caroling people from my parents' church and slack the rest of the night away (which is just so BORING)
3. get the crazy people from church to come crash with the caroling people for the rest of the night!
4. ?????????
okay I think choice number 3 is the best. but now my parents are putting a limit to the number of people because of the caroling people which is abt 30 odd people. okay I'm in a dilema of what to do on Christmas eve. and my Christmas eve must always be fun and exciting. this doesn't sound very fun and exciting!! argh! forget it I'll work something out closer to the date.
Monday, December 3, 2007
I feel like squealing like some bimbo and only ms nicole victoria joy lee kim hui will know why. haha.
I'm going nuts in my own head!!hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
hehe I think i'm going a bit kuku on rojak...heh of all things.
going to get my christmas shopping done by this week!!well at least that's how i plan it!!!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
my pics from Cambodia are not here yet...booohooo!!can't wait for them! and my meds are kicking in i'm feeling drowsy all over!!
and this is an awesome song!!
feeling kinda random.
i'm going movie at orchard and steamboat at marina with KJ and all!!!CAN'T WAIT!!!!! meds are making me a little high(((((:
Friday, November 23, 2007
we went to the shop which was selling things that the girls in GB in Cambodia made. bought some stuff there. spent US$11. haha. after that we went to Tuol Sleng S21 museum. where we got an insight of Cambodia's Genocide History. we went to visit the interrogation chambers, torture and cells. there were still blood stains on the floor and everything. when we went to see the cells we all could smell the musty smell of death, torture, the pain and suffering. even when we left the museum that smell still lingers in our noses. the sense of sadness just filled the entire place. the faces of the prisoners just speak of their lost of hope, joy, just pain, sadness and suffering.
after that we went shopping at the Russian market which brought our moods up. i shopped a lot there. one main highlight was my red nike dunks (US$16) and my green gap pullover (US$8)!!!!!!!the best part? they were ORIGINAL. i was super happy!!!! i think i spent abt US$80 altogether at both markets.haha!! i went MAD!! really i did.
anyway throughout the entire trip i was left with US$4, you don't want to know how much i brought in the beginning. you would flip. trust me.
after the shopping spree we took a 3 hour ride to Baray village. sit until my butt almost fell off. where we stayed was actually really nice. khmer life homestay. we slept in like huts and all. it was kinda cool.
dinner was actually really good had a cultural show then had our first night in the village. couldn't sleep. roomed with hui ling, ms lee and ms chang. it was a satuday night so they were like partying or something the music was ANNOYING!
DAY FOUR - church service, funfair, horse and cow cart ride.
church service was a great eye-opener for me about christians in Cambodia. they were like full of joy when praising the Lord. the way they worship God was breathtaking. i felt shameful to be a christian. if only we can praise the Lord that way. after that was funfair, i'm sure everyone there had fun. when i saw all that joy on the people's faces when they collected their prizes it really was impactful.
after that we took the horse cart and ox-cart. around the village that was really cool. it was kinda messy though.
DAY FIVE - interaction with village kids and english lessons at Baray high school.
the kids were all so cute!!!!!!!!seriously and i think i work better with toddlers. after that we went to the high school!! the girls there are so cool!! they are just so curious about everything and they are so eager to learn!! but they pronounce seven as SE-VON. and watermelon as WATERMILON, it takes a while to understand what they are trying to say. its pretty awesome. they even know what's i love you in korean and chinese. haha. they even asked me if i had a boyfriend when they knew i was 14. this shows how different our culture is from theirs at 19 they are going to get married soon.
DAY SIX - english lessons at Baray high school and travel to siem reap.
we worked with a different group of girls this time. but they were equally curious. and willing to learn. after that we traveled to siem reap. on bus. 3 hours again. this time i didn't sleep at all.i was just stoning out the window. my butt and legs was like numbed. dinnered and checked into the hotel. there was no lift. haha only stairs. and my room was the smallest and everyone elses was bigger and their toilet has a bath tub except mine. unlike the first hotel. everyone had no bath tub except mine. hahaha i guess God is fair.
angkor wat was amazing!!!! when you get there you just can't believe that all that was build by hand!!without and machines or anything. the king's bathing pool is like twice the size of a olympic pool. and his 2000 over concubines has a bathing pool less than half the size of his. took a lot pictures with davina's camera. hahaha. we took a jumping pic picture in front of angkor temple at sunset. i think that will be my most favourite picture ever! that night we all slept around 1am plus. we were partying and packing. and we all woke up at 5am because our flight was at 8am.
i bought a new wallet and notebook at the Siem Reap airport duty free. i slept like a log on the plane. i even dreamed abt *fill in the blank* . the moment we got off the plane went lunched at swensens!!!!!!! super shoik!!!!hahaha
when i got home, showered told myslf to take a nap at the end i slept at 4pm woke up at 10 something this morning. and i didn't dream at all. i had no idea how tired i was until i woke up. amazing huh? haha.
i guess this is about it. will upload all the pics when they come along.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
in 7 hours i'll be on the plane and it'll be
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
and i just realised that i'm leaving for Cambodia in like less than 48 hours.
i'm like excited, nervous and scared all at the same time. seriously.
anyway rushed out of house today left my entire wallet at home. phone, money, everything in there. i only realised that i didn't bring my stuff when i stepped out of the car. and i NEVER walk out of the house without my phone besides during camp. so that gives you an illustration on how tired, sleepy and blur i was and still am. or either that, that my mind was so cluttered with all kind of things.
for the past 2 weeks and another week to come i had practically no "ME" time. and even i had "me" time its like past 11pm. and my brain is like shut down-ed already. but i still sleep after midnight.
argh!! i feel like hibernating just like BEARS.
Monday, November 5, 2007
jovee! haha okay shall relink you soon! and yeah! BBQ was AWESOME!
shariel! YEAH!!we are!! isn't that so cool?!
LIZZ!! you feel LIKE a child or you err... feel a child...?
LING!! haha yeah dint get to see sternum *sad face*!! haha but its okay!! HELLO HELLO ARE YOU OKAY?! YOU WANT A KIT KAT?!
shakila!! BUBBLE TEA PARTNER!! sorry haven't been replying, been kinda busy lately...sorry.
nicole!! ITS OKAY!!(((: you were busy! haha((: i'm talking to you right now.
chang! gosh. STOP IT. i'm freaked out already!! that day i was sitting in the living room watching tv and i thought i saw langa by lorry walk past OKAY?! its was actually someone else (I hope and think)...thank GOD. haha
okay i have absolutely no time and nothing to blog abt that i'll be in school for the entire week from 9am - abt 6pm. and i have like A LOT of things to do in preparation of the cambodia mission trip. so anything just msg me((:
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
okay here are some tag replies
lizz: hey there!! okay okay i'll type something for you!
leehuang: haha yea i guess!!
sarah chang: REALLY?! hse phone reception is screwed. sorry. i cant call people.
ling yuk: haha i've collected my cert already!! "Don't worry i'm a certified first aider!!!!" "HELLO HELLO! are you okay?! you want kit kat?!" hahahhahhahahha!! sorry i'm high on chocolate muffins!
okay anyway,
LIZZ!!! thanks for being an absolute CRAZY friend for the past 2 years!!!! and also for the many years to come!!!!!WE'RE IN THE SAME CLASS, SAY YAY!!!!!!!
hahahhahhahah!!high on chocolate muffins!!!! WHEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gonna go for class BBQ now!!!!!!
i'm starting to lose my faith in a thing called COINCIDENCE.
Monday, October 29, 2007
i'm glad that the camp is over but sad that now i'm back, i've got to face reality. my studies, results and simply, life. i read penelope and lee huang's blog and now i feel so screwed. (all your fault chang!!!ask me go and read!) haha. i feel so sad now. next year is going to be like real tough.REAL tough. both studies and social. new class...find friends all over again. the whole making impressions shit. i'm going nuts please. going to start mugging for lit and math this holiday because i know i'll just die next year if i don't start now. i've got a very heavy heart...and somehow i'm not lightening it because i don't know HOW! i'm like gonna miss everyone...EVERYONE.
SARAH CHANG!! omg. i'm gonna miss you loads!!! seriously i'm gonna. and right now i'm typing this you are suppose to call!! anyway thanks for listening to all my shit since P5. and i really really HOPE that we'll not drift apart just because we're in different classes. omg i feel like crying now...see la all your fault. you loads!!!
SHAKILA! oh well what can i say? i'll still see you on Sundays. that's good right? haha...well thanks for everything really. all you've done, you've been a GREAT girl...remember we still must take bus and drink bubble tea together at the park OKAY?!!
LEE HUANG!!! HELLO!! haha. thanks for the little thing you wrote on the blog! you were a GREAT partner!! haha!!though you may get a little over-board sometimes with your attitude i STILL think you are and absolutely good friend!! i'm DEFINITELY gonna miss you LOADS!!! must always remember to say high to me next year kay!!
BRENDA!! hey pretty girl!! thanks for being a great friend!!haha even though i'm not that close to you hope that you'll still remember me as the whiny, irrritating girl okay? no don't. sorry for all any crap of mine that offended you. and remember to always say HI to me okay?
PENELOPE!! heya!!i read the little msg you typed on your blog!! haha i guess its true that we hardly talk much but still i'll like to thanks you for being a really nice and pleasant friend!!!haha take care!
JOVEE!!! haha!hello!! though we're not that close i still think you were a pretty good friend to know!
DHARSH!! hello!hello! next year we'll be in the same class!! haha well thanks for being such sweet "emo" friend haha!
i'm gonna see all of them in sch and class BBQ tmr. the last time we'll be together as a class. its just so sad....
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
tmr's founders' day service. and i've got duty...traffic duty. exhaust fumes and the sentence of the day will be " we're all gonna die" and we'll say that the moment a car drives in.
well at least i don't have to sit in a bomb shelter aka AVA room throughout service. lack of oxygen please.haha.
anyway realised i have a lot going on this holiday. campS (note: "S") and the mission trip to Cambodia!!! can't wait for the latter!!!! i can hear Cambodia calling my name! i'm like seriously excited!!
i've been thinking a lot about why i want to go for the mission trip... i think the reason that i'm going there, somehow i realised that i find making people smile is cool!! i definitely want to bring some "LIGHT!" into some people's world/life/day!! its like everytime i know i've made a mark on someone i feel this this this THING. you know? words cannot comprehend.
like when you board the bus, do you realise that the bus captain just STARES at you and you just stare back? everytime that happens i feel like smiling at them...but i'm afraid they won't smile back. haha!
anyway i cant wait for hols!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 28, 2007
whole morning was so screwed. run up and down the stairs like chicken. 1st level to 4th level.
and got to deal with all the #%&* people. can die!!!!! i'll be running a marathon this weekend. funfair tmr, after that rush to church, next morining? CAR-WASH!!((: and then after that return to Sembawang Church for their anniversary. i'm definitely going back!! to watch them do the "dance"!!!
you know what?i'm falling asleep.haha.
Monday, September 24, 2007
-WHOHOO!!!their new album is out today!!!
-but i'll never get it, bcos the last time i checked for their other albums at hmv, (the only place that sells their cds) it cost a BOMB. so i don't think its gonna be any different this time. the people in-charge of bringing music into S'pore. SUCKS. just because fightstar is not mainstream here.
well guess what i have tmr? DRILL. wednesday too. POO. and i just recovered. totally DREADING it...see why Drill even starts with a "D" ???!!! oh man...why did i join drill com?!!its a wonder...
BUT!! i cant wait for funfair!!!!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!i seriously CAN'T WAIT!!!!!((((((((:
Saturday, September 22, 2007
stupid braces.
let me tell you what my dear dentist did to my teeth yesterday!
he filed/cut every single top tooth by 0.25mm. the thingy that was cutting my teeth was like also cutting a bit of my gums. bled like crazy. it was like a bloody mess. it was dripping down my neck. GROSS. i'm telling you.
and my dentist was like "good you never see what i'm doing or you'll probably faint." i was like thinking to myself "thanks for letting me know-_-"
he then tightened it even FURTHER. gosh...i cant even chew on biscuit soak in milo without wincing in pain. its like the day i put braces on for the first time all over again.
btw, now my teeth look super SQUARE/rectangle/whatever, it just looks odd. but i guess it kinda like justifies the phrase "no pain, no gain"
anyway, i have abt 6 more months to go!!!!!! i know its a long time but at least i know roughly WHEN the metals can come off and its better than a year!!!
okay i wanna go shower now, i find myself damn smelly.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
did like calligraphy in the morning - lost my patience at it quite obviously at it, including some chinese opera decor thing.
after sch lunched with jean, shak and lizz opposite sch...baked under the sun at the playground with ice-creams.
got high on chocolate ice-cream. shakila and i were laughing like idiots on the bus.
was a pretty okay day. you know what? i have no idea what else to say.
Monday, September 17, 2007
i'm happy happy happy!!
okay before i go here's some tag replies.
jean!!!haha good that we're on the same boat! and sternum is fantasy doesn't sound wrong okay?! i mean like i'll never meet sternum again. haha!! so might as well take it as i've never met a sternum.
shakila!!!!hehe YESTERDAY was fun besides the fact i missed 2 buses and got caught in the rain!!!!!anyway I CANT wait for next week!!!!!
too lizz: hello!!!you actually read my blog!haha just kidding! THANKS for trying to help!!! and yes pete doherty sucks.
sarah!!!BESLEY IS SO GIRLY!!!!!hahahahaha!!it rhymes!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
i suddenly feel like blogging...
kinda nervous abt church and all..even though i've got Shakila i feel weird all over that i'm going to a new church. meeting too many new people at one time scares me, seriously. that's my issue. of not i'm perfectly fine at meeting new people just not so many. i hope i won't do something stupid in front of people tmr. oh man...
haha guess you've just seen the very introvert and shy side of me. i'm not the social butterfly kind of i think its gonna be hard tmr.
anyway...been thinking a lot.
like why do have to be so tall?
why do i have to be so "blah"?
why did i make so many wrong choices in just 14 years of my life.
like why did i gave up swimming?when i love it so much? oh gawd i make to many stupid mistakes and choices that i just lost count of them all.
now that i'm at a dead end i can choose to turn around and start again or just continue livng like that.
i've decided to turn around and began again but as we all know its not gonna be rosy until i've reached the i guess wish me luck...
sternum is fantasy.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
but the whole time I was only thinking of one thing. my subject combination.
actually to me...whatever job i take up in the future doesn't really matter. as long as i don't dread it and don't hate it i don't really mind. as long as i'm happy and contented with myself i don't really mind. to me money is not important, what is important is whether my life is fulfilled or not. if i become a lowly paid social worker but work like dog i don't really mind as long as i have my heart into my job its perfectly fine. honestly, i don't mind being a social worker. especially if i work with parents of children with disabilities or with youth. i find that pretty cool.
really what is important to me is that i will love what i'm gonna do, my life has a fulfillment and i feel i've found the reason of my existance on this earth, then i'm contented((:
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
THE CLICK FIVE!!! modern minds and pastimes!!!!
THANK YOU JEAN !!!!!!for saving me the trouble of buying it myself!!but now i have to pay you back in installments!!haha((:
anyway today had some financial literacy thingy teaching us how to save money and all...kinda boring!!!we end up thinking when we should go out shopping.heh. played some "board" game, a rip off of monopoly and game of life. but it was fun!!I WON!!!!i was the richest((: hehe!!$$$$$!!! then we had to write on this GIANT cheque... full of laughs!!!shan't tell you why but here are some stuff related to what we did.
-AMANDA (yes my name)
-KYLE PATRICK (the guy i'm listening to right now)
-$653.72 ( six hundred and fifty-three dollars and seventy-two cents.)
technically the day was boring if not for the sugar in the sweets:D
tmr we're going to the ZOO!!haha..well its not exactly the most "happening" place to go but it is after all a school thing...*sigh*
Monday, September 3, 2007
Friday was Teachers' Day celebration boring boring boring. besides the fact that went back to primary to see ms chiam, li lao shi and mrs lau. BUT mrs Lau retired already!!!!!!I WANT TO SEE MRS LAU!!!! we're all planning a HOME VISIT. YEA RIGHT. anyway took pics with the teachers but i don't have them YET..will go haunt chang (chang WATCH OUT...hahahaha!!!) but here are some pics i took of the primary school...just for memory sake...reminisce...

my locker when i was P6...can't remember top or bottom though...haha

now the door is GREEN!!!NOT FAIR!!!

the 4th level toilet sinks with ashley and nicole in the way...

view of the secondary school from the primary school.

the stairs...

the garden of eden...

down memory lane..again...

the classroom 6JOY!!

the primary(right) and the secondary school(left)...the sec school looks like some factory...while the primary looks more homely...

Thursday, August 30, 2007
my ankle is swelling like a watermelon.and its hurting like hell.
i'm just gonna hope its not serious or anything like dislocating it or something. i'm like hopping like some idiot around the house.
the ironic thing? i have first aid course on Saturday. dammit.
kay i gotta go get ready my teachers' day pressies for tmr.
YES i am going to school tmr with a sprained ankle.
Monday, August 27, 2007
eh not sure, put my playlist on random so right now its Fightstar...lost in the rain...(i think)
HelLo humans!!!!
yes yes and for all those who think my blog and i are in a coma YOU ARE WRONG!!!hahaha!!!okay realised i haven't blogged in a LOOONG here's an update!!!
common test are OVER!!(screams YAY!!!) NO MORE test for the rest of the year...however for those who do have tests still all the best and sorry for rubbing it in your face haha((:
well went to Shakila's youth service yesterday!!it was FUN!! the sermon was cool. something abt cats and dogs!!!!OH and the slides had dogs in them and there was this little boy who entered the room and he started shouting "DOG!DOG!DOG!" non-stop!!he was SOO CUTE!!!met like shak's wacky friends, we were like all suaning shak abt werdna(read it the other way around) during lunch-something abt not finishing her food!!!so funny!!!
anyway my parents liked the service and my brother likes sunday school there maybe i'll be switching church soon...heh.
i'll just con my dad into getting it for me haha(((:
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007

a super cool shot of shak on the swing!

shak and i

yesterday at the playground with suk and shak!!!suk having a deprived childhood....

on the bus with shak and Delane on monday(((:

managed to get unglam shot of shak while she was picking up something:p
delane says from this angle she resembles jovee!!hahahahahahahah!!!!(((:
Sunday, August 5, 2007

to justina!okay okay!!so here's a update !
LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE was yesterday!!!!OMG is was SO FUN!!!!its been a long time since i had so much FUN(((: though the workshops were kinda boring (i was falling asleep)!!it was still a lot fun!! drill was kinda fun!the commander was damn cute!! love a complexion!! and we did drill with some girls from dunno what school...and we realised that our company has been teaching us the wrong thing for stopping on slow march! damn funny!! anyway the sun was damn HOT sunburned still looking like a RED LObster.
lunch was a bit malu but in a good way!it involves all of us who went shan't talk about it...haha((:
met like new friends there too!! they were from 10th COY!!they were like so much fun!!!miss them already!! the above are some pics courtesy of JUSTINA(((:
Friday, July 27, 2007
eating on the generator thingy near the BBQ pit...unglam shot of nicky!!
the wonderful mess we made...((:
huang's deprived childhood!hahaha!!
the cutie dog named Rufus!
huang and lizz...and eh the purple dinosaur..
another pictorial proof of huang's deprived childhood...
sarah and i "talking" oohhh...potato chips...the stuff that makes me fat((:
the 2 morons cam-whoring with my camera while i was away there's a lot more btw....
my birthday cake realised there's only THREE small candles? my dad still thought i was 13 -_-
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
1st day! LIGHTSICKS! with our candles...i look fugly.

2nd day! mega campers'07! at the pool...
3rd day! Lightsticks! at the top of Gunung Lembak!! i think among all the pics this is my favourite of all and the most meaningful!
last day! lightsticks!! *sob sob!*
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Enrique Iglesias - Escape (album)
went for the gift wrapping competion at century square with shakila. it was so fun!!mrs niar was there to meet us and ya thanks to rachel chee for her stapler((: we anyhow wrap also got 2nd prize!! haha so funny. gotta bring the trophy to school on wednesday for prize giving ceremony in school on thursday...i find it so ya ya papaya. after that went to change the toilet was nice.haha!

the presents we wrapped.
then lunched at white sands outside macs but we weren't eating that. we almost witness a gang fight. the macs storeroom was in front of us then when the fight was about to break out the staff was like FIGHTING!FIGHTING! everyone was like having the OMG face while shak and i were LAUGHING and laughing. it was funny. seriously and one of the staff was like "aiya no show already" when security came. haha!so sadis.
after that walked white sands, bought a notebook for my personal diary. we then went to the park and sat swing and talk for like 1hr plus plus...we decided to go home when it was abt to rain. we talked about A LOT of things. i think now i know shakila BETTER.(((: i think i've never had such fun in a really LOOOOONNNGGG time. the talk was like so fun!!!(((:
now i think i have to vent some anger. if not i'll blow.
okay i have no idea what is wrong with you sometimes you can be such a good friends and then the next moment i don't know what you're saying behind my back. sometimes i don't know whether i should trust you or not. because you stereotype really bad...u used me and then you find someone else. skinny and fat. don't think i don't know what you pick.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Rhianna- shut up and drive
screwed up day. but this week is very week is the killer, chinese test and oral and maths class quiz and i HAVE to get good grades for math, full marks even better. I NEED the marks.
tmr watching potter with my aunt after school, friday shak and i going out to get artsy, fartsy materials for gift wrapping competition on sat. SUNDAY! church youth celebrating my birthdAY! and the may, june and the other july babies haha((: partly my fault that may and june wasn't celebrated...haha the committee of 4 is screwed. anyway i'm SUPPOSE to be happy this week.
my head is super cluttered with stuff....going nuts.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
all the recent stuff i bought are all brown. its pretty cool actually.
so now my official favourite colours are
and i WANT modern minds and pastimes by THE CLICK 5!!!!!! seriously i'm dying to get it.
oh and i cant find a brown template.